We offer comprehensive property management bringing professional skills to the project. Everything that you as a landlord look for in your property manager
Our team of leasing experts having years of expertise, selecting the most suitable tenant profiles to ensure a trouble free long term relationship.
Achieving a maximum return on your investment in the long term is a balance of proper tenant selection and qualified maintenance.
We provide world-class rental management in Dubai, UAE, ensuring the comfort and security for the tenant and our landlord. Our flexible payment terms and personal attention keep tenants stress free.
With over 15 years of real estate experience in the European market, operating in Austria, Poland, and Hungary, Sinclair Real Estate was set up in Dubai in 2007. For the past decade, it has witnessed regular growth and diversification into various business units related to property leasing, sales, and facility management.
406, Bank Street Building Khalid Bin Waleed Street Near Bur Juman, Bur Dubai.
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